When to Refer a Student

对学生来说,大学生活是一段既兴奋又紧张的时光. 有时新的挑战、压力和自由会导致困难. 学生在大学期间经常遇到的问题包括:

  • Depression
  • Stress Management
  • Eating/Body Image Concerns
  • Anxiety
  • Substance Use/Abuse
  • Time Management; and
  • Relationship Concerns.

If these problems are not addressed, they may result in emotional, 学生的学业或社交困难. The Counseling & 网赌平台网站的健康中心经常可以帮助学生解决他们的担忧,这样他们就会感觉更好,并在学业上“回到正轨”.


1. Depression
虽然我们都可能会时不时地感到沮丧, “normal” depression typically consists of only one or two symptoms; and, usually will pass within a few days. 临床抑郁的学生会在较长时间内表现出多种症状. Some of these symptoms are depressed mood, sleep disturbances, poor concentration, change in appetite, 对愉快的活动失去兴趣, withdrawal, poor hygiene, loss of self-esteem, and preoccupation with death.

2. Agitation or Acting Out
这将代表一种偏离正常或社会适当行为的行为. It might include being disruptive, restless or hyper-active; being antagonistic, and increased alcohol and/or drug abuse.

3. Disorientation
Distressed students may seem “out of it.“你可能会注意到,他们对周围发生的事情的意识减弱了, forgetting or losing things, misperception of facts or reality, rambling or disconnected speech, 以及看起来脱离背景或奇怪的行为.

4. Drug and Alcohol Abuse
如果有人过度饮酒或吸毒,这可能是滥用的迹象. Also, signs of intoxication during class, during interaction with faculty or staff, 或者在危险的情况下,比如开车时,都表明有需要注意的问题.

5. Suicidal Thoughts
大多数企图自杀的人都很早就表达了他们的痛苦. 这些信息可以从“我不想在这里”, to a series of vague “good-byes”, to “I’m going to kill myself.非语言信息包括赠送贵重物品, and putting legal, financial, and other affairs in order. 以上所有的信息都应该认真对待.

6. Violence and Aggression
你可能会意识到那些可能对他人构成危险的学生. 这可能表现为身体暴力行为, verbal threats, threatening e-mail or letters, harassing or stalking behavior, 以及含有暴力或威胁内容的试卷或考试.

  • Listen
  • Be supportive and open to the information
  • 协助解决问题,但尽量不要急于救援.

鼓励他/她/他们访问咨询和健康中心(941-487-4254), Monday-Friday 8 AM- 5 PM).

如果你的学生表示他们有直接的危险, contact the Campus Police at 941-487-4210.

Wait – and take a breath.

  • 给自己一些时间来消化学生告诉你的内容,然后倾听

Think carefully about your response.

  • A student may fear disappointing you.
  • Be honest and direct.
  • Show support and acceptance

Acknowledge their feelings.

  • 反映出你理解这种情况对学生来说有多困难.
  • 现在不是谈论你有多困难的时候.
  • Acknowledge your own feelings.
  • Be honest about your feelings

Take some time.

  • 如果你的感情太强烈,现在无法处理, or if your student is too emotional, 花点时间想想需要讨论什么,然后在几个小时内谈.


  • Try to listen more than talk at first. Don’t respond yet. Get the facts.

Be rational.

  • 试着对现实情况和未来的选择保持冷静和深思熟虑.

Be clear.

  • 如果你支持的内容有限制,那就说清楚.
  • 如果你对未来有期望,就把它们说出来.

Utilize your resources.

  • 根据你的学生所关心的问题,赌城平台网站里有一些资源可以帮助他们:
    • Counseling Center
    • Disability Services
    • Advisor/Provost Office
    • Library/Academic Resource Center

(Source: http://collegeparents.org/)

How to Make a Referral

一般来说,在你和学生都同意咨询是有益的之后,给咨询和健康中心打电话是明智的. 当你联系咨询和健康中心时,你应该表明你自己和情况的性质.

你可能想和辅导员谈谈这种情况,以便于转介. 咨询和健康中心通常可以在危机当天提供咨询, 但是,提前了解危机的性质对我们是有帮助的. 如果你觉得没有必要向咨询师求助, 学生只需向我们的接待员提供一些身份信息即可获得预约.

Keep in mind when making a referral:

  • 表达你对学生健康的关心.
  • 解释你所听到或观察到的让你担心学生的事情.
  • 推荐咨询和健康中心.
  • 尽可能多地告诉学生有关咨询和健康中心的情况.
  • Aid the student in making an appointment, 拨打中心电话(941-487-4254)或与他们一起步行前往中心
  • If a student is not sure about services, and is NOT IN CRISIS, 您也可以参考咨询和健康中心网页(ncf).Edu/cwc),它有几个自助资源, 以及互动筛选项目,该项目允许学生匿名与CWC的治疗师进行互动.

After the referral:

  • 询问学生的学习情况,不要过多地打听信息.
  • 继续支持并定期询问他/她的情况.
  • 如果您了解到其他重要或相关的信息,请联系推荐人.

Responding to student emergencies:

当一个人的行为对自己或他人构成威胁时,需要立即果断地进行干预, including:

  • 自杀的姿态、意图或企图.
  • 其他对学生构成威胁的行为(e).g., hallucinations, drug abuse).
  • 对他人的威胁或侵略(如.g., implies or makes direct threat to others, displays firearm/weapon, 身体对抗/攻击另一个人.
  • 不能照顾自己的


NCF Police (941-487-4210) or 911
